KISSHome consortium meeting in Gelsenkirchen

The second KISSHome consortium meeting took place at the beginning of 2024. It was hosted by the Institute for Internet Security at the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences in Gelsenkirchen, which is responsible for the technical realization of the project. It was a day full of interesting presentations, intensive discussions and important decisions.

In a working atmosphere characterized by openness, the latest progress was presented and the next steps were discussed and defined. It was a pleasure to see how each partner contributed their special skills and knowledge to find solutions to current challenges together and thus drive the project forward.

A central point of our discussions was the compatibility of user-friendly design and the technical necessities of the solution to be developed. We succeeded in finding good compromises that meet our requirement to create a user-centered security solution for citizens.

In parallel to the software and UI coordination, the practical implementation of the demonstrator was also pushed forward. Using a test setup, technical aspects were made tangible and discussed in depth. The demonstrator will play an important role in illustrating the functionality and benefits of our system in order to obtain feedback from users and stakeholders that can be incorporated into further development.

The meeting in Gelsenkirchen showed us once again how important it is to complement the regular virtual meetings with face-to-face exchanges. We are confident that we will achieve our goal with the plans we have drawn up and the intensified cooperation: To develop an AI-based security system for smart homes that meets the needs of users and offers real added value.

We look forward to the coming months and the exciting tasks and challenges that lie ahead.