project schedule

Figure: Timeline of the KISSHome project
Brief description of the work packages
WP 0: Coordination of the project and the external network
Responsible: aric
- Project coordination
- Integration of external experts
WP 1: Survey of citizen requirements
Responsible: Institute of Innovation Marketing, TUHH
- Selection of user community
- Interviews for indentifying the user requirements for an AI-based security system
WP 2: Survey of technical requirements
Responsible: Institute for Internet Security, WHS
- Analysis of existing IoT malware
- Identification of adequate ML methods
- Analysis of frequently used IoT device classes
WP 3: Development of a test environment
Responsible: Institute for Internet Security, WHS
- Development of a test environment for the collection of benign and malicious data traffic
WP 4: Conception of the technical solution for the detection of threats
Responsible: Institute for Internet Security, WHS
- Labeling, clustering and feature extraction of data traffic from the test environment
- Use of supervised ML methods for classification
- Evaluation of ML methods with regard to resource-intensity
- Incorporation of user- and expert feedback
WP 5: Development and evaluation of the demonstrator
Responsible: Institute for Internet Security, WHS
- Agile, iterative process of technical development and evaluation by users and experts
- Presentation of the demonstrator for obtaining feedback
WP 6: Communication and preparation of exploitation
Responsible: aric
- External communication of the project
- Involvement of stakeholders for further development and utilization of the security solution